Here at Rabbita, we offer a range of internship opportunities to connect your company, especially start-ups and small companies, with motivated and talented students. Our program includes paid internships, unpaid internships, and positions supported by government subsidies.

Are you an Employer?

We provide Rabbita’s guides and resources for you and your company to get to know more opportunities for recruitment in Hong Kong!

Employer Guide (2).png

Rabbita’s Employer Manual includes:

<aside> <img src="/icons/downward_purple.svg" alt="/icons/downward_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Click the page below


Rabbita Internships - For Employers

Are you a Student?

We provide Rabbita’s guides and resources for students to prepare themselves for an upcoming employment opportunity! be ready to elevate your skills in the internship field!

Employer Guide (3).png

Rabbita’s Student Manual Includes:

<aside> <img src="/icons/downward_purple.svg" alt="/icons/downward_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Click the page below


Rabbita Internships - For Students

<aside> <img src="/icons/ringed-planet_purple.svg" alt="/icons/ringed-planet_purple.svg" width="40px" /> If you have more questions or concerns, Feel free to contact us here!


☎️ +852 5598 0385

📧 [email protected]
